Children of Min-San Su
The Su Family Scholarship was established in 2017 by the children of Min-San Su. Both his son, Paul Su, and daughter-in-law, Anthea Wu, are proud graduates of the NC State Pulp and Paper Technology degree program in 1998. Anthea was also a Pulp and Paper Foundation Scholarship recipient.
Even though Min-San Su grew up in rural part of Taiwan with extremely humble beginnings, he believed strongly in the value of a good college education. He worked incredibly hard and valued education above all else for his children. Mr. Min-San Su passed away at a young age of 55 while Paul was still completing his study in the Pulp and Paper program. His siblings carried on their father’s legacy and helped Paul to complete his college education. All four of Mr. Min-San Su’s children became the first generation in the family to obtain college degrees.
It is with the Su Family Endowed Scholarship that Min-San’s children continue to honor their father’s legacy by helping other families reach their educational goals.