General Hugh Shelton/Stephen Shane Fincher Memorial Foundation Endowment

General Hugh Shelton/Stephen Shane Fincher Memorial Foundation Endowment

This ENDOWMENT shall be used to provide scholarship tuition and fee support for undergraduate students who receive leadership scholarships through the Shelton Center for Leadership Development at North Carolina State University. This scholarship is established to honor the memory of Steve Fincher. Steve Fincher was a charismatic, well-loved individual . Anyone who encountered Steve immediately surmised that he had never met a stranger and truly enjoyed life. Steve was a successful builder and President of Premiere Building Company. Steve’s love for NC State led his family and friends to create a scholarship in the College of Engineering. Steve’s sense of adventure and passion for making friends has led them to create an endowed fund to support enrichment experiences for students who receive scholarships through the General Hugh Shelton Leadership Center, with preference for one or more students enrolled in the STEM disciplines and have established permanent residency in Cumberland County, North Carolina.

Awards from this ENDOWMENT shall be made to one or more students by the Director of the NCSU Shelton Leadership Center or his/her designee, in accordance with the established procedures for awarding Shelton Leadership Scholarships Students who are awarded this scholarship may also attend leadership forums, seminars, and have the opportunity to serve as peer leaders, coaches, mentors, and trainers at summer leadership institutes for high school students. All are experiences that will create enduring friendships among NC State students and those who are engaged domestically or globally. The selection criteria and process for all scholarship recipients is established by the General Hugh Shelton Board of Advisors. Following are the attributes of the student scholars who will receive these types of leadership enrichment experiences.
