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Welcome to PACK ASSIST, NC State University’s scholarship application portal for Undergraduate, Agricultural Institute and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students.
The application opens on December 1 for currently enrolled students. New students may apply upon admission. Apply by February 15 for priority consideration.
To apply for scholarships, login with your MyPack Portal credentials and complete the general application. After you complete the General Application, you may see a College supplemental application or Other Recommended Opportunities. This means more information is being requested. Review the description(s) and, if you qualify and want to apply, complete the additional questions.
You will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of your submitted application. You will receive an email from the scholarship committee only if you are selected for a scholarship. New students typically receive notification by April 1 and currently enrolled students by early June.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
View details about scholarships offered for a particular major or interest below.
Please refer to our Distinctive Scholarship Program website for details and deadlines specific to each.
Award | Name | Actions |
Varies |
Ethel Barnhill Environmental Studies Scholarship
Distributions from the fund will be used to provide scholarships for...
Ended |
Varies |
ExxonMobil NC State Alumni INSPIRE Scholarship
This opportunity is made available to undergraduate students in PSE...
Ended |
Varies |
Fields Family Prestige Scholarship
Must maintain a 2.75 cum gpa and 30 credit hours per academic year....
Ended |
Varies |
Flad Architecture Scholarship
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide need-based...
Ended |
Varies |
Fletcher C. Sawyer Scholarship
Provides need-based scholarships for students pursuing an undergraduate...
Ended |
Varies |
Foster Family Scholarship
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide need-based...
Ended |
Varies |
Francis Family Scholarship
Must be an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Sport Management.
Ended |
Varies |
Frank Simpson Madren Scholarship
Merit-based scholarships for undergraduate students in the College of...
Ended |
Varies |
Garmon Scholarship
Caldwell Fellowship. Renewable
Ended |
Varies |
Garriss Family Scholarship
To provide need-based scholarships for students pursuing an undergrad...
Ended |
varies |
George & Sandra Dail Family Scholarship
Need based scholarship with preference for students who reside in Easten...
Ended |
Varies |
George and Janice Smith Wildlife Management Scholarship
This scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in...
Ended |
Varies |
George Pliny Wood Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide need-based...
Ended |
Varies |
Georgiou Family Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship
Distributions from the fund will be used to provided need-based...
Ended |
Varies |
Gil West Scholarship Fund
Used to provide scholarship for undergraduate students. First preference...
Ended |
Varies |
Godchaux-Derby Scholarship Endowment
To provide merit-based scholarships for students pursuing an...
Ended |
Varies |
Gould Family Scholarship - Solomon Scholar Program
This scholarship is available for College of Sciences majors who...
Ended |
Varies |
Grantham Family Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship
Provides need-based scholarships for undergraduates students within the...
Ended |
Varies |
Griff L. Bilbro Faculty Senior Scholarship Endowment in Electrical and Computer Engineering
To provide merit-based scholarships for students pursuing an...
Ended |
Varies |
Haddock Family Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship
Provides need-based scholarships for undergraduate students within the...
Ended |
Varies |
Hans Peterson Family & Krista Peterson Seabolt Scholarship
Need-based scholarship for undergraduate students enrolled in the...
Ended |
Varies |
Hansen Family Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship Endowment
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide need-based...
Ended |
Varies |
Hargrove Scholarship
To provide need-based scholarships for students pursuing an...
Ended |
Varies |
Harrison Garrison of Wolfpit Scholarship Endowment
Scholarships for DVM students who are in their final clinical year and...
Ended |
Varies |
Harry C. and Elise R. Grimmer Scholarship
To provide scholarships to students in the College of Engineering at NC...
Ended |
Varies |
Harry Family Veterinary Externship Endowment
Funding to support DVM students’ extramural studies as a first- through...
Ended |
varies |
Harry M. Habets Music Scholarship
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide merit-based...
Ended |
Varies |
Henry L. Lucas Civil Engineering Scholarship
Provides need-based scholarships for students pursuing an undergraduate...
Ended |
Varies |
Herlevich Scholarship
Must be an undergraduate in Forest Management and a resident of North...
Ended |
Varies |
Herman & Beda Lipe Scholarship
Merit scholarship for a Junior or Senior undergraduate or a graduate...
Ended |
Varies |
Hight Family Scholarship Endowment
Awards will be made to an undergraduate in PSE. Preference to students...
Ended |
Varies |
Horace D. Godfrey Scholarship
Caldwell Fellows
Ended |
Varies |
Hubert Byrd Family Scholarship in Soil Science
Merit and need based scholarships students with a major or minor in Soil...
Ended |
Varies |
Huetter and Mooney Endowed Scholarship in Materials Science and Engineering
To provide scholarships for students pursuing an undergraduate degree in...
Ended |
Varies |
Ingram Family Scholarship
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide scholarships for...
Ended |
Varies |
J. Frank and Doris K. Ray Scholarship
Caldwell Fellows
Ended |
Varies |
J. Owen Carson Scholarship Award
To provide scholarships for undergraduate students enrolled in the...
Ended |
Varies |
J. Richard Mowat Mem. Scholarship
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide need-based...
Ended |
Varies |
J. Ronald Smith Scholarship Endowment
To provide need-based scholarships to undergraduate students seeking a...
Ended |
Varies |
Jack and Denise Rahmes Scholarship
For undergraduate students in the Civil, Construction, and Environmental...
Ended |
Varies |
Jack Stewart Scholarship
This scholarship is available for students majoring in the College of...
Ended |
Varies |
James and Connie Hackney Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship
To provide need-based scholarships for undergraduate students in the...
Ended |
Varies |
James and Kathrine Owens Scholarship
Caldwell Fellows
Ended |
Varies |
James and Kathrine Owens Shelton Leadership Program Endowment
Recipients must be a part of the Chancellor’s Leadership Development...
Ended |
Varies |
James B. Robbins II Family Scholarship
To provide merit-based scholarships for undergraduate students studying...
Ended |
$0.00 |
James H. Darden III Awards Endowment
Distributions from the Fund will be used to provide support for award...
Ended |
Varies |
James H. Darden III Scholarship
Provides need-based scholarship for students pursuing an undergraduate...
Ended |
$0.00 |
James N. "Jim" and Katherine G. "Kay" Nutt Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship for the AGI
Provides need-based scholarships for undergraduate students in the...
Ended |
Varies |
Jean E. and Walter E. Richardson Scholarship Endowment
Support for one or more outstanding students pursuing a degree in...
Ended |
Varies |
Jeff Reese IMPACT Award
Must be an undergraduate (Junior or Senior) pursuing a degree in PSE....
Ended |